Statistical Domains

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52 results

The foreign investment database provides the most important annual statistics related to foreign investment in the GCC countries, which include types of foreign investment (direct, portfolio investment, financial derivatives, other investments, ... ) and other relevant statistics.


The Communication database provides the most important annual statistics related to Communication in the GCC countries, which include fixed and mobile phone indicators, postal indicators, and other relevant statistics.


The Transportation database provides the most important annual statistics related to Transportation in the GCC countries, which include the number of vehicles, the number of driving licenses and traffic accidents, the lengths of paved roads in addition to the indicators of air and sea transport, and other relevant statistics.


The COVID-19 database provides the most important daily statistics related to COVID-19 in the GCC countries, which include the number of injured, recovered, deceased, and other relevant statistics.


The education database provides the most important annual statistics related to education in the GCC countries, according to educational stages and gender, such as enrollment rates, literacy rates, student rate per teacher, and other relevant statistics

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The water database provides the most important annual statistics related to water in the GCC countries, which include total water available for use, extracted groundwater, extracted surface water, desalination water production, reused water and other relevant statistics.

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The waste database provides the most important annual statistics related to waste in the GCC countries, which include indicators of hazardous and non-hazardous waste collected of all types, and other relevant statistics

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Births and Deaths Indicators database provides the most important annual statistical Indicators related to Births and Deaths in the GCC countries and other relevant statistics.

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The Births and Deaths database provides the most important annual statistics related to Births and Deaths in the GCC by Nationality and Gender and other relevant statistics.

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