The Marriage and Divorce database provides the most important annual statistics related to Marriage and Divorce in the GCC and other relevant statistics.
The Marriage and Divorce database provides the most important annual statistics related to Marriage and Divorce in the GCC countries by Education Level and other relevant statistics.
The Marriage and Divorce database provides the most important annual statistics related to Marriage and Divorce in the GCC countries by Age Group, and other relevant statistics.
The Births and Deaths database provides the most important annual statistics related to Births and Deaths in the GCC by Nationality and Gender and other relevant statistics.
Births and Deaths Indicators database provides the most important annual statistical Indicators related to Births and Deaths in the GCC countries and other relevant statistics.
The Labour database provides the most important annual and quarterly statistics related to Labour in the GCC countries, according to subject, aspect, nationality, gender, and other relevant statistics.
The Health Services database provides the most important annual statistics related to Health Services in the GCC countries, by number of outpatient visits, number of inpatients, number of (surgical radiological and laboratory) procedures, and other relevant statistics.
The Health Indicators database provides the most important annual statistical Indicators related to health facilities, health services, core health indicators in the GCC countries, and other relevant statistics.
The Health Facilities database provides the most important annual statistics related to Health Facilities in the GCC countries, by number of hospitals, hospitals beds, pharmacies, health centers, and other relevant statistics.
The Population database provides the most important annual statistics related to Population in the GCC countries, by main characteristics such as gender and age, and other relevant statistics.